
Nasha's princess party

We made cupcakes. I try to keep it a tradition that I bake every child turns 1.. and I did it. 

How lovely it all turned out. Kakak helped to decorate the cupcake we both made the night before. 

okay.. I also took time to set out the decor this time. Hubby decide to bbq so I had only the decor to keep me busy. I managed to nap for 30 mins before the party with the precious baby girl.. so we were both in very good moods after the nap just in time for the party.

Lovely cupcake stands I found in Accessorize.

Every cousin who came got a tiara and a tutu.

My precious baby turning 1!

Other princesses were also present.

Lovely cake mimin brought to the party. Absolutely cuteness!

and brought lollies too!

Happy Birthday!

(can't wait to do a mini album with these photos)

Edited the photos into a vintage style with a little blur in the corners.