
Anxiety. Hopeful. Tranquility.

Mak & Hubby left yesterday for the Haj. All relatives came to wish them both a safe journey. There were tears + wishes (which lead to more tears..). Just watching him get ready, wearing what they call a Ihram, men's & women's garments worn by Muslim people during the Ihram pilgrimage (the Haj), was enough for me.

The kids were fine (except staring at me, as to why is Mama in tears?, kinda look) Hubby & I did not want to dwell so much into them to make them sad. They know Dada is on a Holy Trip and he will be back in 2 weeks.

Couple of days ago, chowchowscrapper posted about an Altered Art Challenge on An Inspiration Board is one of the many things on my project list, so without hesitating, I took on the challenge and started cracking. Here is a sneak preview of what I've been cracking on..

1 comment:

Chowchow said...

Cant wait to see your board.